Strike up the band, start the parade
all give a shout for the day we were saved!
Chocolate Covered Raisins
California Raisins
are the best
You may even
find a toy California raisins dancing or singing,
They will be your worshipers.
To help remind you to Praise at all times.
1-Box of plain
raisins, they will be your non-worshipers.
There are many scriptures these are just a few, below are many more.
Exodus 15:2
The Lord is my strength and my song,
He has become my salvation; He is my God,
and I will praise Him;
My father’s
God, and I will exalt Him.
Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
with my song I will praise Him.
Psalm 50:23
Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;
to him who orders his conduct aright,
I will show the salvation of God.”
Psalm 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a
and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
With football
season underway
Lots of people are shouting for their favorite team.
Who is
your favorite team?
In football there is an offense and a defense; two sides to
every team.
In the bible, there are two sides
God’s Team
the good side and then there is the evil side.
Psalm 5:11 But let all
those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because
You defend them;
Let those also who love your name be joyful in You.
In football we
have bands playing
cheerleaders are cheering and they even have a Home Coming
In the bible we have angel’s
singing, people praying
and the Holy Spirit to guide our way.
Psalm 47:1
To the chief Musicians.
A Psalm of the sons
of Korah Oh clap your hands,
all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of
Most schools have a Home Coming game,
Followed by a Home
Coming dance
Where they appoint a King and Queen.
Psalm 100:4
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with
Be thankful to Him and bless His

In the bible we learn about the promised coming King,
We see His
arrival, His departure, and His soon promised return.
Psalm 149:3
Let them praise His name with the dance;
Let them sing praises to Him
with the trimbrel and harp.
Psalms 98:6
With Trumpets and the sound of a horn;
shout joyfully before the Lord, the
Psalm 24:8
Who is this King
of glory? The Lord strong and mighty in
Lift us your heads, O you gates! Lift up, your everlasting doors!
the King of glory shall come in.
Who is
this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah!
What is all the excitement about?
can score the most points?
In football you have a quarter back
He is the star
player “Most of the time”
In the bible we have the Son of God
Who is the
savior “All of the time”
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave his
only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life.
This is
My King! Strike up the band,
Start the parade
Let’s all give a shout for the
day we were saved!
What’s that, many
people would say
Many people will shout for a football team
But think it
silly to shout for God.
Hundreds of
people show up for a game on a Sunday Morning;
But how many
Will take their
families to Church on a Sunday Morning?
Let them exalt Him also in
the assembly of the people,
And praise Him in the company of the elders.
In the bible
God speaks of the multitudes that will praise
Jesus had multitudes come and
listen to Him.
Psalm 109:30
I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth;
Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.
In football
when our team is winning we shout,
We sing, we cheer the team to victory.
God wants us to Praise Him
The scriptures
tell us over and over again.
Praise the Lord! Praise the
name of the Lord
Praise Him, O you servants of the Lord! In the bible,
God tells us He will give us the
victory, we sing,
We shout for the victory belongs to the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God, who gives us the
victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Again thinking
about football season
I came up with my own commercial.
This is where your
California Raisin comes in.
Picture this: the raisin, just an ordinary raisin,
Not any different than all the rest.
then now
How about the California Raisins
Chocolate covered, singing and
What do you think made these
Praising Raisins
Maybe they put on their garments of Praise!
Yes! ... How about a Smile! .. JoY
God wants us to be Wonderful Worshipers Too!
If you are a teacher or
Teach your children,
Teach them about the importance of praise.
Teach them how to Shout, tell them what it is
all about.
Jesus should be their
If we can shout for a football
then surely we can shout and sing
for the Lord of Lords and the King of
Encourage them not to be a dried
up raisin
but a chocolate covered raisin
covered in Praise
Lifting up their voices to Jesus their
Shout for the Victory belongs to
the Lord.
Would you like to share in
this Victory?
The Victory that has
overcome the world,
Jesus is that Victory!
Would you like for Jesus to be your King?
Do you need to shout and sing?
Then go ahead;
what are you waiting for?
Lift up your Hands
Surrender to the Soon Coming King
Let’s Pray:
Father God, forgive me for any wrong
doings called sin. Help me turn from
evil and do those things that are right.
Help me to know Jesus the Son of God, as my Lord and King. Help me to shout and sing with the Victory
over life’s problems. Jesus to come into my heart, today! Thank you Lord; for becoming my King and for
giving me the Victory over sin and death.
Go Ahead! .. Give God A Shout!
That is What Worship is All About
Note: Original message Edited by LisaMe! .. With Permission ..
This Edited Printing is For Pastor Appreciation ..
Worshiping and Praising God
We spend Hours of Prayer
Each generation has their Praise their wonderful days..
I can hear David saying.. he missed his days in the field
when his time playing the harp for the Lord was so real
Majestic is the Lord .. How awesome to be on board
Lifting up the name of the Lord
Praising Him...
LisaMe! your sister friend
Note: Inspired with the resent.. renewal of my praise ...
A sister friend
shared.. how much she was missing Praise from the past ...
lol made me
think of David and his praise ..
Complete Message ~ Chapter 10 ..
The Candy Message .. Wonderful Worshipers ...
" A Candy For All Seasons" by LisaMe!Can be found @ Amazon and or Xulon Press