Listen Close It's trying to tell you something
From soft rolled candy to hard candy pops
Some are saved and Some are not
Some are saved and Some are not
Want to become saved too
Here is a simple prayer of salvation
To help lead you to know Jesus better
Dear, Jesus I want to be forgiven for all of my sins
(Everything that I have done that is wrong and not pleasing to you)
Help me not to do those things anymore
I want to acknowledge you as my Savior
(To know that you are Lord of my life)
I want to serve you all of my life
(To Honor the things the bible teaches me to do)
I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity
To follow you all the days of my life
In Jesus name we pray, Amen!
Wow! Congratulations!
You are now a part of the family of God
Go tell someone, tell me
Candy Messages Minister to all ages
It is my desire
To Minister to
All of God's people
"A Candy For All Seasons"
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