Sunday, December 26, 2010

KAJN Christian Radio Interview

January 10, 2010 LOCAL AUTHOR LISA ME WILL SHARE WITH US ABOUT HER NEW MINISTRY " THE BRIDGE MIX". click to listen Live 10pm Central time

KAJN Talk airs on
KAJN Radio at 10:00 p.m.
Mon-Thurs. and is hosted
by KAJN's Tiffiany Babineaux.

Bridge Mix
Officially Launched Dec 20
Today I went to Crowley for the KAJN Christian Radio Interview
Tiffany Babineaux KAJN radio Host
Did an Awesome Job
We will air in Jan ..
As a two part series..
Can't wait to hear it Again

We were robbed Christmas night.. while attending a Christmas Service ...  At the Church .. We told the story of Christmas.. Ted and I read scriptures, the children played piano solo's, we sang corporate worship of Christmas songs, music played.. Solo's were sung, it ended with the children singing.. Happy Birthday to Jesus ..  it was a beautiful service .. The real meaning of Christmas.. the story of a child come to save the world ..

Had these kids who robbed our home.. been at this service.. they would not have had the opportunity to rob us..or the heart .. it just goes to show..all the more.. We need to bring salvation to those.. who are in the streets .. To be a witness .. to those who end up doing things that they should not .. what ever their reason.. the bottom line is they are being used by the enemy of the soul ... out there to rob, steal, kill and destroy .. We must get the message of Christ to them.. before their lives are lost .. in darkness for eternity ..
Will you Join me at the Bridge Mix . to help make a difference in your neighborhood .. it is in our own back yards that we must start ... To reach the ones in our our churches back yard ..
Thank you all for your concerns and prays.. but most importantly .. for meeting with me at the Stairway of Heaven.. praying for the thieves .. that their lives may be saved.. Salvation is the key,, It is what God is asking from you and me .. This is My Bridge Mix Ministry .. I Love how even in this... God has brought a lesson of Love to me .. Thank you Lord for the Victory ...Amen ..